Art therapeutic support project for war-affected children
The Institute of Cognitive Modeling, together with the Parimatch Foundation in Ukraine, has launched a project to provide psychological support to children suffering from stress due to military actions in Ukraine.
As part of the initiative, a therapeutic coloring book was created, which consists of a set of exercises based on art therapy and fairy-tale therapy techniques. Each exercise is aimed at overcoming a certain emotion or psychological state of the child.
The project is designed for:
- parents, children, teachers, volunteers of children’s centers;
- social workers, curators of children’s programs;
- inclusive child assistants, defectologists, tutors;
- specialists of auxiliary professions who are in direct interaction with the child and ensure his mental, moral and physical well-being.
The coloring book was developed according to the author’s method of Victoria Nazarevich, a practicing psychologist with 25 years of experience working with children, a professor, candidate of psychological sciences and expert in child psychology in the field of creative therapy.