Information Telegram channel «Ukraine NOW»
Due to Russia’s war against Ukraine, the team of Institute of Cognitive Modeling transformed the community «Coronavirus_info», created 2 years ago to fight the pandemic, into the cannel «Ukraine NOW».
At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the ICM carried out technical and informational coordination of the ‘Ukraine NOW’ channel with the Ministry of Digital Transformation to increase the effectiveness of countering Russian disinformation in Ukraine. Coordination cooperation was done on a volunteer basis.
The channel was recognised as the only non-institutionalised Telegram channel that fully adheres to the standard of credibility and has never distributed stories from Russian propaganda television. In addition, the Channel has become one of the three non-institutionalised Ukrainian Telegram channels that has public and clear owners.

> 1 000 000 subscribers
followed this channel in the first months of the war
Creating content for the channels
Every day, the «Ukraine NOW» channel publishes up-to-date information from primary sources, infographics and instructions, results of national surveys, denial of Russian fake news and warnings about air threats.