«Coronavirus_info» community received 300 million views on Telegram in a year
The Telegram channel «Coronavirus_info» remains the biggest in Ukraine. During the year, it gained 300 million views and now has more than half a million subscribers, and the Viber community «Coronavirus_info» – 2.2 million. Both channels were created by the Institute of Cognitive Modeling as part of the National information campaign to counteract COVID-19
Every day, approximately 530 thousand Ukrainians –more than 10% of the entire Ukrainian Telegram audience – receive updated information about morbidity statistics, vaccination rates, and quarantine restrictions. And the most popular publication «Quarantine sounds from the band TVORCHI» reached 1 million views and more than 2,800 reposts. Now it is the fourth most popular channel in the world for news about COVID-19 in Telegram.
«Quarantine restrictions are becoming less strict, people are returning to their usual life, and they are interested in other topics. Global coronavirus news is gradually losing its audience. For example, the official Telegram channel of Uzbekistan rapidly lost 99% of its subscribers and moved from the top 3 to the end of the rating. “Coronavirus_info” remains relevant, leading the rating of the largest channels in Ukraine and the world. We consistently rank 4th among the world’s sources of news about COVID-19, have a high interest among Ukrainians, and continue to respond quickly to challenges. «Coronavirus_info» has successfully fulfilled and continues to perform its function,» says Viktor Berezenko, founder of the Institute of Cognitive Modeling.
The creation of a Telegram channel for prompt information about COVID-19 was part of a large-scale national campaign «Coronavirus_info». It brought together dozens of public figures and socially responsible companies. The information campaign is conducted together with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, UNICEF, Google, Facebook, Viber, Telegram, and other partners. Through traditional and digital tools, the Institute of Cognitive Modeling has managed to build an effective system of interaction between government, business, and society to achieve a common goal – an effective fight against coronavirus.
The information campaign against COVID-19 covered 27.7 million Ukrainians. The Telegram channel «Coronavirus_info» was included in the list of the most reliable channels about COVID-19 in the world, and the Viber community became the largest in Ukraine in just 3 days. Additionally, «Coronavirus_info» has 5 satellite channels, read by more than 270 thousand Ukrainians.
In 2020, the coronavirus counteraction company of the Institute of Cognitive Modeling was shortlisted for the prestigious international award European Excellence Awards 2020 in two categories at once.
To follow the news on COVID-19 in Ukraine, please visit: https://t.me/COVID19_Ukraine.